
Hemlock language insights

Art of the State

Tree branches

The in-development hocc parser generator recently reached the significant milestone of being capable of generating state tables using any of the LR(1), PGM(1), or LALR(1) algorithms. All of these algorithms date back to the 1960s and 1970s, but there’s a newcomer, IELR(1), which was published this century. This seemed like a good time to tie off a loose end and write a detailed critique of IELR(1) and show that it does not advance the state of the art. But as I prepared that critique I became convinced that IELR(1) is the state of the art. There is an art of the state (machine), and IELR(1) has it in spades. Read on for a shared glimpse of its merits.

LR(1), PGM(1), LALR(1)

hocc can currently generate parsing tables for three parser algorithms, all in the LR family.

I implemented all three algorithms in hocc primarily as a grammar analysis aid; in practice my intent was to only develop actual parsers with PGM(1), with the expectation that they would always be functionally identical to LR(1) parsers but much faster/smaller, and that often the parsers would happen to be functionally identical to LALR(1) parsers. But it turns out that PGM(1) parsers sometimes differ from LR(1) parsers!

A troublesome grammar

Consider the following grammar, adapted from Figure 1 of the IELR(1) paper [5]:

    left p

    token Ta prec p
    token Tb

    start S ::=
      | Ta A Ta prec p
      | Tb A Tb

    nonterm A prec p ::=
      | Ta
      | Ta Ta

The grammar contains an ambiguity that makes it non-LR(1), but the left-associative precedence is sufficient for resolving the ambiguity. Here is the ambiguous state that results [6], absent the precedence (full report):

    State 4
            [A ::= Ta ·, {Ta}]
            [A ::= Ta · Ta, {Ta}]
            Ta :
CONFLICT        ShiftPrefix 9
CONFLICT        Reduce A ::= Ta

And here’s how it resolves in the context of the LR(1) algorithm (full report):

    State 4
            [A ::= Ta ·, {Ta}] prec p
            [A ::= Ta · Ta, {Ta}] prec p
            Ta : Reduce A ::= Ta prec p

Here’s where things get interesting. Using the PGM(1) algorithm, we get a different conflict (full report):

    State 4
            [A ::= Ta ·, {Ta, Tb}]
            [A ::= Ta · Ta, {Ta, Tb}]
            Ta :
CONFLICT        ShiftPrefix 8
CONFLICT        Reduce A ::= Ta
            Tb : Reduce A ::= Ta

And conflict resolution deals a killing blow (full report):

    State 4
            [A ::= Ta ·, {Ta, Tb}] prec p
            [A ::= Ta · Ta, {Ta, Tb}] prec p
            Ta : Reduce A ::= Ta prec p
            Tb : Reduce A ::= Ta prec p

Why does this happen? Take a close look at the follow sets and you’ll see that the LR(1) kernel items only contain Ta in their follow sets, whereas the PGM(1) kernel item follow sets additionally contain Tb. The PGM(1) state is actually the merge of two LR(1) states. PGM(1) guarantees no additional conflicts where none exist in the LR(1) states, but it does not guarantee identical conflicts. For this example the result is a badly broken parser.

How much does this matter in practice? I’m not sure. It so happens that the large and complex Lyken grammar [7] generates identical parsers with the PGM(1) and LALR(1) algorithms, which suggests that I adopted grammar specification practices which don’t even trip on LALR(1) inadequacies, let alone those of PGM(1). But the IELR(1) paper reports uncovering long-undiscovered gawk and gpic (part of groff) parser bugs. I think it likely that those parsers did not explicitly resolve all conflicts, which makes it much easier for grammar flaws to go undetected, but I have not investigated further.


The PGM(1) algorithm optimistically merges near-identical states, and it always gets things right as long as there are no conflicts in the specification. In contrast the IELR(1) algorithm starts off merging all near-identical states, conflicts be damned (i.e. LALR(1)), then it analyzes all the resulting conflicts to determine which are induced by merging in order to inform re-generation which avoids all troublesome merges.

The PGM(1) paper [2] is somewhat intimidating in its extreme brevity, whereas the IELR(1) paper [5] is somewhat intimidating in its extreme thoroughness. And the IELR(1) algorithm is certainly more complicated due to its two-pass nature. Nonetheless, the concept is straightforward, and given the proper foundation, there are only a few auxiliary data structures required to perform the analysis. It appears that the bison parser generator has remained the sole implementation of IELR(1) for over a decade now, but I hope to report back soon about hocc becoming the second implementation.


  1. Donald E. Knuth, “On the Translation of Languages from Left to Right”, Information and Control 8:607-639, 1965. 

  2. David Pager, “A Practical General Method for Constructing LR(k) Parsers”, Acta Informatica 7:249-268, 1977.  2

  3. Menhir initially exposed me to the PGM(1) algorithm, after which I implemented it in the Python Parsing parser generator

  4. Frank DeRemer, “Practical Translators for LR(k) languages”, Ph.D Dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 1969. 

  5. Joel E. Denny and Brian A. Malloy, “The IELR(1) algorithm for generating minimal LR(1) parser tables for non-LR(1) grammars with conflict resolution”, Science of Computer Programming, 75(11):943-979, 2010.  2

  6. All in-line state descriptions were generated via hocc’s text report generation facility, e.g. hocc -s IelrFig1_prec -txt. The linked full reports were generated via hocc’s html report generation facility. 

  7. Lyken was an uncompleted programming language that incubated Parsing